


Just try to write blog in English
hehe...actually that's diffucult for me
but i'll try my best 
okay.dun talk this sad+bad things

now i'm very happy happy happy 
coz my concerns and worries before have disappeared
my dad's mother has been decided to live at others place without any affect of my family
Yeah~..this is so excited u know?
Recalling the situation in May
that's terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, fearful ............
OMG! can't do any imagination
that time the nuisance pee everywhere....
i hate her!
She already gives my family a lot of troubles and pressures
i think another people will never never feel this pain
I still remember the moment  I told myself...
Yaar!that's not your grandmother...she just a passer who pass through your life
Right!She not my grandmother..i dun need a bad nuisance be my eldership
She was not worthy!!!
in fact i'm very envy of others
they have a good grandmothers
how about me
but this is not important question already
coz my heart is dead...thorough....
now i with my parents can just live in peaceful

Thanks to God~~~
i‘ll cherish the days 
i'll enjoy my life ❤

PS:Forgive my low standard english 


